Please Allow Up To 2 Working Days For Cards And 7 Working Days For Gifts To Be Despatched. Order online now to avoid disappointment as we cannot guarantee stock levels in store.
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Product Description

Square 17.5cm² Medium Greetings Card.

This card is designed for your own personal message and a name to be placed in the tags as shown.

Comes with an envelope.

Website exclusive! The inside can be personalised with your own bespoke message. Please select Writing (+£2.00) from the drop down menu and fill in the field above to include your own message inside the card. If Writing (+£2.00) is selected but no message is provided, we will write a small appropriate message for you. However, if Blank is selected for Inside Writing, but a message is still provided, your card will arrive with no inside message.


17.5cm x 17.5cm
Product Code

It's A Wrap

Product Code BIZ152SQ