Please Allow Up To 2 Working Days For Cards And 7 Working Days For Gifts To Be Despatched. Order online now to avoid disappointment as we cannot guarantee stock levels in store.
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Product Description

Square 18cm² Greeting Card.

This card is designed for the names to be placed in the tag as shown

Website exclusive! The inside can be personalised with your own bespoke message. Please select Writing (+£2.00) from the drop down menu and fill in the field above to include your own message inside the card. If Writing (+£2.00) is selected but no message is provided, we will write a small appropriate message for you. However, if Blank is selected for Inside Writing, but a message is still provided, your card will arrive with no inside message.


18cm x 18cm
Product Code

There's No Place Like; Gold or Silver

Product Code BIZ60SQ